Saturday, April 13, 2024


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Geography quiz

Spin the wheel and discuss a travel destination.

Present perfect:

1. What have you heard about this place?
2. Have you ever seen a movie from that country?
3. Have you tried the food from that country?
4. Have you ever considered visiting it?


1. What can you do there?
2. What should you take?
3. How long would you need to see and do everything?
4. Would you ever go there? Why? Why not?

Travel Destinations


Think of a country that....

is picturesque

is a popular stopover

is full of ancient ruins

has trendy shops

is hassle-free

is off the beaten track

is multicultural

is monocultural 

is a good place to go trekking

has sprawling cities

is highly cosmopolitan

is overpopulated

is a great place to unwind

Vocab focus - descriptive words

Spin the wheel to get a country.

Think of (or google) two words to describe it:

New Zealand / Aotearoa

The capital city: hilly, windy
The countryside: green, farmland
The winter: mild, wet
The summer: warm, humid
The food: multicultural, meat
The economy: stable, small
The religion: secular, multicultural
The history: colonial, bi-cultural
The people: friendly, diverse

Your country as a travel destination:

Your country

Talk to someone from a very different part of the world. Spin the wheel and tell what you know about that topic for your own country.

Best and worst experiences while traveling:

Best and Worst

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