Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Ads - ethos, pathos and logos


What do these words mean?

Functional advantages of the product
Ideals that we cherish
Powerful feelings

Does this ad appeal mostly to Ethos, Pathos  or Logos?

Which feelings did you personally feel, watching this ad?

Which feelings did you see in the ad?


Make an emotional timeline showing the development of human emotion in the 48 seconds of this ad


Start with basic feelings: joy, surprise, fear, confusion, love, boredom, excitement, amusement


                  0___ _10_____15_____20_____25_____30_____35_____40_____45___

Feelings _____________________________________________________________




Now think about these feelings: suspicion, inhibition, relief, pride, admiration, mischievousness, jubilation, longing, defensiveness, losing inhibition, generosity, empathy, compassion, openness, gratitude, fearlessness, closeness  


Which values, qualities and emotions are present in this ad:

Trust, Family, Stylishness, Generosity, Loyalty, Empathy, Vitality, Faith, Materialism, Hope, Aspiration, Determination, Security, Coolness, Diversity, Irony, Protectiveness, Wisdom, Honesty, Openness, Companionship, Ambition, Fear, Universality, Optimism, Triumph over adversity, Innocence, Community, Inner peace, Healing, Family, Humanity

Which is the dominant ethos?

How might an advertisement appeal to "logos"?



Try to write down verbatim what van Damme says:

Watch the ad without sound

Try to describe it in as much detail as possible

Does this ad appeal mostly to ethos or pathos?

What in your opinion is the ethos it appeals to?

Which feelings does to evoke?

Watch again

One person should focus on the speech, one on the music (and the lyrics), and one person should focus on the visuals.

Discuss what you notice.

Writing task

Evaluate an ad

Which is the best order to do the following things?

describe, judge, interpret, analyse

Watch here and think about these questions:

What sort of family is it?
What's the problem?
How is the problem resolved?
What's the product being advertised?
Is there any connection?

The IKEA "idolen" (idols) is an ad for________________. It features a father and his son. It seems like the mother isn’t in the picture and that the kid is the only child. The furniture (the product being sold) is integrated with a message about being _________ for your family. In the ad the father and son do all kinds of stuff: fishing, painting, __________. But the father seems to be really busy with either work related calls or private calls, and the kid is just wanting to ___________ with his dad. It uses the slogan “Där livet händer”, __________ "where life happens".

The ad begins with the song Sit Down Beside Me, by Patrick Watson. This song communicates the message very simply and ___________ : just to take a break from the phone and be in the moment. 

The ad is trying to  ___________ to parents, middle-aged men and women. The choice of music makes a lasting ___________ , and also grabs our attention. Sending the message loud and clear about the negative  __________ of technology on our relationships.  It’s a quite serious ad which ____________ with you and makes you think about to value your relationships with family and friends, and I think it probably sells the furniture __________. I would describe this ad, in one word, as___________.

By Julia

Check (or don't check) with these words

Hang out      sticks      too      appeal    “family”   impact    furniture   etcetera     present   meaning    directly   impression

Check in text

The IKEA "idolen" (idols) is an ad for furniture. It features a father and his son. It seems like the mother isn’t in the picture and that the kid is the only child. The furniture (the product being sold) is integrated with a message about being present for your family. In the ad the father and son do all kinds of stuff: fishing, painting, etcetera. But the father seems to be really busy with either work related calls or private calls, and the kid is just wanting to hang out with his dad. It uses the slogan “Där livet händer”, meaning "where life happens".

The ad begins with the song Sit Down Beside Me, by Patrick Watson. This song communicates the message very simply and directly: just to take a break from the phone and be in the moment. 

The ad is trying to appeal to parents, middle-aged men and women. The choice of music makes a lasting impression, and also grabs our attention. Sending the message loud and clear about the negative impact of technology on our relationships.  It’s a quite serious ad which sticks with you and makes you think about to value your relationships with family and friends, and I think it probably sells the furniture too. I would describe this ad, in one word, as family.

By Julia

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