Sunday, February 10, 2019

(Advanced) The Far Side

How do the caption and the picture they work together to create humour?

Where is the humour in this?

Does the caption add anything to the illustration?

How do the caption and the illustration work together?

What is the biblical reference? What details have been added to enhance the humour?

Is the cartoonist making a larger point here?

Can you explain the thinking behind this cartoon?

What's the idea behind this cartoon?

Is it an allegory or just a funny cartoon?

Why are people and creature almost always overweight in these cartoons?

What does the cartoon suggest?

Is the caption necessary?

What details have been added to enhance the humour?

Talk about the composition of this picture

How does the composition add to the humour? How has the cartoonist used eyes?

Talk about composition. Why put another mammoth in the background? 

What details have been added for humour?

How do the details add to the joke?

How does composition reinforce the humour?

Why this particular moment?

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