Monday, September 19, 2022

(Advanced) How to write a news item

Headline (most important fact / or "angle")
Lead (short intro)
Lead quote



Interviews or quotations of sources, witnesses, commentators
Background facts / context
Elaboration - some extra implications? Questions arising?
Interpretation - yours or a sources

Tormented Teacher Trashes Technology

Teacher kills passerby by throwing computer out of classroom window. 

“I just reached the point where I had to vent my frustration”  - Gabriel White

A teacher at a prestigious Auckland language school shocked students this afternoon by throwing the classroom computer out of the classroom window, killing a passerby in the street below. The victim cannot be named until next of kin are notified, but it is understood he was not a person of any significance. “I just reached the point where I had to vent my frustration” the teacher, Gabriel White, 48, of Freemans Bay, said while being comforted by other staff members.

Many of the students were sympathetic: “to be honest, I was about to do the same thing”, said a young student with a French accent who declined to be named "but I received an important text message at the time". “The computer is really slow and unreliable, especially in room 2.1.” Other students were concerned for the victim. “I feel a bit sorry for the guy who was crushed to death”, said a student. 

“This particular case has broader implications”, says educationalist Professor Brian McDonald of Auckland University. "Students and teachers have come to rely on technology, and people walking in the street need to be aware of that. Of course, the safety of the public is important, but it’s also crucial that when things go wrong technically during a lesson, the teacher is able to take it out on someone outside the classroom.”

The school director declined to comment on the incident, but promised the school would be replacing all computers in the coming weeks.    

- Staff reporter

Headline / Lead / Quote

Corona Virus a Chinese Creation 

We discovered that the Covid-19 was actually created in a Chinese laboratory in 2015. 

It has been discovered that the Covid-19 virus was actually created in a Chinese laboratory in 2015. 

Corona Virus a Chinese Creation 
Covid-19 discovered to be created in Chinese laboratory. 
"I had no choice but to tell the World" - Jack, reporter.

Infection at EF school! 
The original victim has been found, it is a teacher his name is Gabriel. Unfortunately he died yesterday.   
The last words of Gabriel were "I don't know how it happened" 

Infection at EF school                                                  
Original victim - a teacher who is now dead - found.
 "I don't know how it happened" 

Aliens bring cure for Coronavirus: 
During the last days an UFO was seen flying around the globe causing preocupation between all the people and governments. The NASA said that they got a message from them. 
"We were waiting for this moment but we didn't expected it now, it happened out of the blues" NASA said "Just as humans between them, they want to be our Friends" 

Aliens Cure Coronavirus 
UFO seen flying around globe causing alarm. NASA contacted. 

“They are our friends” 

First development paragraph

On Monday, just before the lock down Gabriel, an English teacher at EF school  infected all students in his class. It is only on Tuesdays that we realised that he was carrying the virus. Unfortunately it was too late because the virus had infected everybody. On Wednesday the Gabriel  death was announced. We don’t konw how many victims will die yet. 

On Monday, just before the lock down,  Gabriel White, an English teacher at EF school, infected all students in his class. It was only on Tuesday that it was established  that he had been carrying the virus. Unfortunately, it was too late as the virus had infected everybody. On Wednesday, the death of Mr. White was announced. It is not known how many victims will die yet. 

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