Saturday, February 1, 2025

Modals and their functions


How many modal verbs are there?

              Probability   Ability    Permission    Prohibition    Suggestion     Obligation   Request











Classic errors:

You really must to go to bed now.

You don’t can park here.

 You always should keep your PIN in a safe place

We often use phrases like these instead of modals:

Have to
Need to
Don't need to / needn't / needn't have
Ought to
Be able to
Be supposed to
Manage to
Be bound to
Had better
Used to
Be used to

There are lots of variations of these. For example, "be bound to" could be: be certain to, be likely to, be unlikely to, be sure to, etc.

Write it down


I’m sure to ____________________________________________ before the end of the year.

I’d better ______________________________________________ before the end of the year

I haven't managed to ___________________________________ yet this year.

I don't need to __________________________________________ before the end of the year.

I ought to have __________________________________________ this year

I ought to _______________________________________________ before the end of the year

be able to***Shows ability
I am / was / will be able / unable to do that.
be supposed to***Shows expectation
I am / was supposed to / not supposed to do that.**
be to***Shows strong expectation
I am / was to be / am not be there by noon / till noon.**
can / could**Shows ability or possibility—negative too 
I can / can't do that. I could / couldn't do that (tomorrow).
*Shows permission or lack of permission (informal, speaking only) 
You can / can't have that.
Could you do that?
**Shows suggestions 
You could do / have done that. Couldn't you do / have done that?
**Shows limited certainty—under half 
They could be/ have been there.
**Shows impossibility—negative 
The keys couldn't be / have been there.
had better*Shows advisability 
I had better / better not do that.
have got to*Shows necessity or lack of necessity 
I have got / haven't got to do that.
have to***Shows necessity or lack of necessity
I have got/ had / will have to do that.
I don't have/ didn't have / won't have to do that.
may*Formal request / permission 
May I have that? You may have that.
**Shows limited certainty—under half
I may/ may not do that later.**
might*Formal request 
Might I have that?
**Shows limited certainty—under half
I might do that/ I might not do that.**
must**Shows strong necessity
I must take the car.**
**Shows prohibition
You must not take the car.**
*Shows very high certainty 
You must be tired after your journey.
ought to**Shows advisability
I ought / ought not to do that.**
**Shows high certainty
I ought to feel better tomorrow.**
shall**Formal question/suggestion
Shall I do that?**
should**Shows advisability
I should / should not do that**
**Shows high certainty
I should feel better tomorrow.**
used to*Repeated action in the past 
I used / used not to do that regularly.
will**Shows certainty / willingness
I'll / wont be there
I'll / won't do it.
**Formal request
Will / won't you do that?**
would**Formal request
Would you do that?**
**Shows preference
I would rather/ would rather not do that.**
*Repeated action in the past.
I would do that years ago.
**Shows advisability—negative
I wouldn't do that (if I were you).**

Talking about ability

Modal past practice

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