Saturday, September 24, 2022

(Advanced) Body Language

Amy Cuddy is a Harvard Business School social psychologist who studies how non-verbal behaviour and snap judgements affect people from the classroom to the boardroom. She says our body language not only affects how other people see us, but also it may change how we see ourselves, as she explains in this interview with Lynn Freeman:


Amy Cuddy on body language

Short version of Amy's extremely famous TED talk:

Body Language

0:00 - 1:32

1. What are nonverbal expressions of power and dominance in the animal kingdom?

A) Opening up, expand the body
B) Making the body smaller
C) Making fast movements
D) It depends

2. What do almost all people do when they've won a competition?
A) Make Y with their arms
B) Place their hands on their hips
C) Bend over
D) Shout and smile

3. What do we do with our bodies when we feel powerless?
A) We bump into other people
B) We make ourselves smaller
C) We start shaking
D) All of the above

4. What happens when we put high and low power together?
A) Our body language gets exaggerated
B) We mirror the more powerful person
C) We compliment the other's non-verbals
D) We compliment the other person

2:10 - 3.36

6. How do power poses affect our testosterone levels?
A) They make our testosterone levels decrease
B) They make our testosterone levels increase
C) They don't affect our testosterone levels
D) They configure our brain

7. How do power poses affect our cortisol levels?
A) They make our cortisol levels decrease
B) They make our cortisol levels increase
C) They don't affect our cortisol levels
D) They can both increase and decrease our cortisol levels

8. Which feelings can high power poses give us:

stress reactive
shut down

4:00 - finish

9. What does Amy tell people to do?
A) Fake it 'til you make it
B) Don't fake it - become it.
C) Fake it 'til you become it
D) All of the above

10. What can lead to big changes?
A) configuring your brain
B) tiny tweaks
C) power posing
D) All of the above

11. Two minutes of power posing before going into a stressful situation will 
A) get your testosterone levels up
B) configure your brain
C) get your cortisol levels down
D) all of the above

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gabriel.

    I wanna ask about how do you write the main verbs in questions. Often I forget that when I make a question.

    Thanks for your help.
