Monday, May 1, 2023

(Advanced) Euthanasia

Image result for aurelian brouwers

In January a young Dutch woman drank poison supplied by a doctor and lay down to die. Euthanasia and doctor-assisted suicide are legal in the Netherlands, so hers was a death sanctioned by the state. But Aurelia Brouwers was not terminally ill - she was allowed to end her life on account of her psychiatric illness.

"I'm 29 years old and I've chosen to be voluntarily euthanised. I've chosen this because I have a lot of mental health issues. I suffer unbearably and hopelessly. Every breath I take is torture…"

During her last weeks, she spent her time with loved ones, doing craftwork and riding her bike in Deventer, the city she adored. She also visited the crematorium - the place she had chosen for her own funeral service.

Before listening

Are you for or against euthanasia?

What are your reasons?


Aurelia Brouwers

0:00 - 1:43

1. Listen to the introduction

2. Share your reactions

3. In what circumstances do you think euthanasia is ethical?

1:45 - 4:17

1. What does dutch law say about euthanasia?

2. Is it the same in your country?

3. How many people were euthanised in Holland in 2017 because of mental illness?

4. Which place does Aurelia visit in the film?

5. How long has the law allowed euthanasia on the grounds of mental suffering?

Why do we treat mental and physical illness differently?

6:20 - 8:40

1. What is the common factor of mental health patients seeking to end their lives

2. Aurelia's mother died _ months before her euthanasia.

3.  Why didn't Aurelia kill herself when her mum died?

I Jumped off Golden Gate Bridge

19:51 - 24:07

1.  How did the new therapist manage to help Monique recover?

2. What does Monique want to say to suicidal people.

3. What would you have done if you were one of Aurelia's friends?

We will stop here.

What do you think of Aurelia?

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