Friday, May 12, 2023

The well-adjusted psychopath

Excerpt 1

1:00 – 4:28

1. “An athlete and sort of smart and funny, a ___ of friends.”
2. Jim’s mother, who was an insightful person, told him later that there were some strange things she noticed ___  him as he was going ____ puberty.
3. “She made ___ my teachers knew, basically keep this guy really busy constantly, because if he’s not busy there’s going to be trouble.”
4. “At ____ I did a lot of making of explosives and blowing them up.”
5. During his teen years and on vacation he would often ___ up organising groups of kids to drive police crazy, he says.
6. How did Jim manage to get away with being such a trouble maker?
7. What kind of people didn't see Jim as merely a prankster?
8. “I’m a ____-diagnosed regular guy that just likes to have fun."

What were you like as a kid?
What were you like as a teenager?
Have you ever been a prankster? Have you ever been pranked?

Excerpt 1

4:28 - 8:09

1. What two biological markers did Jim's PET scans show that suggest psychopathy?
2. What two emotions does Jim have a low capacity for?
3. Why was Jim in Norway?
4. Why was Jim using his own data for the presentation?
5. What form of bi-polar disorder was Jim diagnosed with?
6. Why did Jim's psychiatrist say "that's your problem"?
7. How do Jim's psychopathic tendencies manifest themselves?
8. Why does Jim like to manipulate people?

Do you have a high capacity for empathy?
Do you have a high capacity for anxiety?
Do tend to feel guilt quite easily, or do you brush it off?

Reading: stick the words in the right spot.

narcissism     display      in denial        exhausting        determined     come over
 sincerity      psychopathy        opposite        resistant       steer       everything

“I had enough __________ to say, look people can’t beat this but I can.” 

He says he tried to _________ behaviour around his wife and would regularly ask himself, ‘what would a good guy do?’ “After two months my wife said ‘what has __________ you? … She goes, you’re like a really nice guy, what happened?’ He says it’s___________ being a good guy, and while it may not be as much fun he’s_____________ to see if he can do it permanently.

Fallon had always believed people were looking for___________ in others, but says now he understands they just want to be treated well and with respect. “Even though the person who is being kind and nice, is really thinking in the back of their mind ‘oh this is a joke’.”

He credits his parents with managing to _________ him on a positive path, despite his___________. “I was quite ____________, because I thought genetics were everything and I had to eat crow on this one because I was wrong.” He says research indicates that if you have psychopathic genes, but are treated well, it has the__________ effect. “If you’re born with really sort of__________ genes, the environment doesn’t mean much, but if you’re born with a lot of high risk genes for this stuff, then the environment means__________.”

Excerpt 3

9:00 - 13:16

True or false?

1. The presenter wants to talk mostly about his second response to psychopathy in leaders.
2. People were attracted to Jim because he was irrational.
3. Psychopaths are good at assessing risk.
4. Psychopaths tend to sleep around.
5. Behaviours that are positive for the species are sometimes not so good for the individual.
6. Most people love scoundrels.
7. Fearless dominance often looks like criminality.

If Jim had all the genetic traits of a clinical psychopath, how come he didn't become a violent or criminal person?

Excerpt 4
17:00 - 21:00

Use these things to explain 

3-legged stool
2 papers
The social brain
Jim's father
5 years
golden child
4 more years
epigenetic changes
nature / nurture

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