Friday, May 24, 2019

(Business Book 2) Risk

1. What does GFC stand for?

2. What happened in the 2008 GFC?

3. What caused it to happen?

4. What negative things happen when there's a global credit crunch?

Phrasal verbs

weed out
dry up
renege on
seize up
start up
come up with

What could be the nouns used with these verbs? Would you put them before the verb or after it?

Quizlet vocab preview

Let's learn some business terminolgy!

24 terms


  1. A prerequisite for fathoming the true cause of GFC in 2008 is understanding the nature of what is the very necessity in this capitalistic world, called "money". It may sound too obvious or even ridiculous to discuss money 'cause you think you couldn't know better, but is your confidence legitimate? A really, really mind-blowing topic.

    1. Thank you. We will discuss your comment in class.
