Thursday, May 23, 2019

(Advanced TED SPIN) Embrace the Shake

In art school, Phil Hansen developed an unruly tremor in his hand that kept him from creating the pointillist drawings he loved. Hansen was devastated, floating without a sense of purpose. Until a neurologist made a simple suggestion: embrace this limitation ... and transcend it.

Embrace the Shake

a warm, gentle, loving, full, hesitant embrace
embrace your darker side, fears, reality, enemies...
embrace Christianity, a faith
embrace motherhood, adulthood
embrace (cover) many topics

Listen and try to fill the gaps:

1. The shake developed out of a _____-minded p______ of pointillism

2. eventually these dots went f___ being perfectly round to looking more like t_______, because of the shake.

3. to compensate, I'd hold the pen tighter, and this p__________ made the shake worse, so I'd hold the pen tighter s____.

 4. I decided to go to a neurologist about the shake and discovered I had permanent n_____ d_____

5. I still enjoyed the f_________ of pointillism, seeing these little tiny dots come together to make this unified w____.

 6. I ended up having an approach to creativity that completely changed my a______ h_______.

7. I realized I was actually p_______ by all of the c______ that I never had before.

8. It really became a moment of c_________ for me that we need to first be limited in order to become l_______.

9. The last i________ of destruction was to try to produce something that didn't actually exist in the first p____.

10. There were times when my projects failed to g___ o__ t__ g_____, or, even worse, after spending tons of time on them the end image was kind of embarrassing.

11. I found a process of creating art that's perpetual and unen_______d by results.

12. Now, when I run into a barrier or I find myself c_______ s______, I sometimes still struggle, but I continue to show up for the p______ and try to remind myself of the possibilities

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