Tuesday, January 17, 2023

(Advanced) Street Photography Activity - 5 compositional techniques

Here are 5 classic compositional or framing techniques for photography.

1. Canted angle

2. Strong diagonal

3. Rule of thirds

4. Framing device

5. Dividing the frame (composite)

Do you use any of these techniques when taking pictures?

Do you know any other tricks that help you get more interesting pictures?

Besides the compositional techniques, what other tricks are used in these photos? light, shadow, texture, reflections, disruption, contrast, shapes, lines... 


Choose just one technique of the five. Go out and take a bunch of photos (at least 20) using just that technique. Select 5 photos and then rank them from most successful to least successful.

Bring them back to class and explain your ranking decisions.

Discussing photographic composition:

Talk about the following aspects:

The basic framing technique: i.e rule of thirds, diagonal line, frame within a frame etc
The main subject (main focus of image)
The background
Lines (perspective, way the eye is directed)
Shapes (circles, squares etc)
Light (mood, visual focus)
Angle (perspective, direction of view - from above, below straight on etc)

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