Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Wood and Metal


I asked ChatGPT to write me a short rhyming poem using the words

wood pole pillar post trunk branch twig wand plank rod

Unscramble the letters of the scrambled words

In a forest deep, where shadows recpr,

Stood a wood pole tall, like a iads’urnag keep.

It was a pillar strong, amidst the erets,

A steadfast post, tgastain the breeze.

Its trunk rose high, with branches sraepd wide,

Each twig a wand, where ecrsets hide.

A lkpna of wood, weathered and wise,

A rod of rtuetan, under vast skies.

In the ahetr of the woods, this pillar stood,

A sbmoyl of strength, in nature's hood.

So let us cherish this tihgimy tree,

For in its perencse, we are free.

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