Thursday, October 24, 2019

A2.2 Unit 1: Project - Make a Quiz

Image result for kangaroo with joey

Project 1: Make a nature Kahoot quiz

Prepare a nature quiz to give the class. Think of fun questions about the fastest, largest, smallest, and most dangerous animals in nature.

1. Make a list of ten animal questions to research online, for example:


‘What is the largest animal in the world?’
‘What is the smallest bird in the world?’
‘What is the most dangerous snake in the world?’


Which animal can run faster? Leopard / Cheetah
Which animal eats more? Hippo / Elephant
Which animals both come from New Zealand? Kiwi and Kakapo / dogs and cats

2. Go online and find the answers to your questions. Use Siri so that you have practice speaking out your questions.

3. Make the answers harder to guess by putting in option that a almost correct.

4. Use your notes to prepare your Kahoot quiz.

Write the questions 1–10.
Add 3 possible answers for each question: a, b, and c.
Search for pictures of some answers to make it more interesting.

5. Check your spelling and grammar.

6. Be prepared to present your quiz in your next class.

Here are the Kahoots we made!

Dangfa and friends

Li and Isaac

Punch and friends

Khaleel and friends

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