Sunday, March 8, 2020

(Academics) Unit 3: Genetics / Unit 4: Theatre

Review of Unit 2: Courage

Word formation

1. While many philosophers and researchers have      SEEK    to define courage, others have identified different dimensions of courage.

2. …the firefighter is voluntarily and consciously risking personal physical well-being for the          BETTER      of others.

3. Physical courage is often easy to conceptualise because the risks are     OBSERVE     in nature.

4. A possible definition of moral courage is ‘the ability to use inner principles to do what is good for others,     REGARD     of threat to self, as a matter of practice.’

Chose the right option. What does the word in bold mean?

1. Authors often have / have often noted the importance of moral courage in employee whistle-blowing behaviours as well as leadership positions.

2. Rarely does / Rarely an employee ‘whistle-blow’ or decide whether / if to resuscitate a patient and other forms of courage may be more relevant to day-to-day interactions in the workplace.


Another often identified type of courage is eurialprenentre courage, which generally describes when an individual takes a financial risk and the associated mifionsracati with the loss of money.

Word formation

1.       MANAGE    courage is defined as, ‘      WILL     to do right in the face of risk’

2.  Two examples are when an individual gives     CORRECT      feedback to an employee and risks upsetting the employee, or when an individual confronts a disruptive co-worker who may    ACT     with anger.

Unit 3 and 4

Aims / skills

Language and skills used in giving presentations

Appreciating and analysing literary texts

Work in pairs.

What do you know about cloning? Are the following statements true or false?

1 Since Dolly the sheep was cloned in 1996, many other animals have been cloned, for example, cats, deer, dogs, horses, rabbits and rats.
2 Cloned animals always look the same.
3 Human stem cells have been cloned in laboratories to grow human tissue.
4 A human being has never been cloned.

In the future, do you think scientists will try and clone a human being?

Why / why not?

What traits have you inherited from your ancestors / parents?

(Talk about your appearance, your physical health and your personality)

How Mendel's pea plants helped us understand genetics

Where and when did Mendel live?

How did Mendel study Heredity?

Dominant / recessive: Green Yellow

Which colour in the example is the recessive trait?

What are alleles?

homozygous and heterozygous:  yy    YY    Yy

Genotype / Phenotype which is the result of a combination?

Image result for punnett square

Image result for punnett square

Lead in reading:

He Jiankui, who claimed to have created the world’s first genetically edited babies, at a conference in Hong Kong this week. Other scientists have sharply denounced his work.CreditCreditKin Cheung/Associated Press

add the words in the right place

attention-grabbing      focus       fields          expense       transplant       sights         talent                 a step too far      in common      luring        edited 

BEIJING — First it was a proposal to ______ a head to a new body. Then it was the world’s first cloned primates. Now it is genetically  _____ babies.

Those recent scientific announcements, generating reactions that went from unease to shock, had one thing  ________: All involved scientists from China.

China has set its ______ on becoming a leader in science, pouring millions of dollars into research projects and ______ back top Western-educated Chinese _______. The country’s scientists are accustomed to ________  headlines by their colleagues as they race to dominate their _____.

But when He Jiankui announced on Monday that he had created the world’s first genetically edited babies, Chinese scientists — like those elsewhere — denounced it as _______. Now many are asking whether their country’s intense _______ on scientific achievement has come at the _______ of ethical standards.

Discuss the extract

How do you feel about the idea of genetic editing? Excited? Appalled? 

What about other breakthrough science like Einstein's discoveries in physics? 

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