Sunday, September 1, 2019

C1.2 Unit 6 Project

Create a live story - work in small groups

1. IDEA. Think up an idea as a team.

2. CHARACTERS. Develop your characters a little. Remember the number one rule of comedy: find the flaw and play it up. In other words, exaggeration is OK.

3. PLOT. Develop the plot a little. Remember the basic pyramid shape of a story: exposition, development, climax, resolution. Can there be some "buts", "sos" and "meanwhiles" (different threads) to make the story more complex? Can you introduce a new character at some point?

4. TWIST. Does your story have a good one? Can you add anything into the story that will make the twist funnier or more dramatic?

5. TWEAKING. Once you have your basic story and characters, go over it and tweak it, adding some little surprises and details to make it as entertaining as possible.

6. OPTIONS. Look for some IMAGES you can use as a backdrop of your story. Can they communicate locations or emotions in a dramatic or humorous way? Add MUSIC or sounds to your story too, but don't make it too technical. You could also use PROPS or COSTUMES if they add humour or interest.



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