Friday, September 8, 2023

C2.1 Unit 5 - Money and Finance


advancing ologychten

insihrnkg job market

nagig population

pnsioen fund

rresogsivpe tax

jteusdad gross income

niummim wage

income ridtioistbun


a rainy day




fork out

tide over

run up


Comprehensive review of phrasal verbs from C2.1

Conditionals that don't follow the rules

Every day we hear another story blaming advancing technology for the shrinking job market. Yet(1) ____________ these advances in technology not occurred, how many of today’s jobs would not exist? If robots are replacing (2) ____________ only menial jobs, but middle class jobs good enough to provide pension funds, insurance plans, and house mortgages, then surely (3) ____________ means we are closer to a society that is completely automated and digitized. (4) ____________ that is the case, then we are (5) ____________ more efficient, improving productivity, and generating more wealth and more intelligence; as a result, ultimately, emphasis (6) ____________ shift from generating wealth to distributing it. Yes, there will always be jobs. If it wasn’t (7) ____________ the march of technology, jobs like web designer or app developer (8) ____________ not exist. It is likewise thanks to technology that the aging population is growing, which brings (9) ____________ back to the question of wealth distribution. Typically employees in health care and social support sectors receive the lowest wages. If governments are (10) ____________ meet the needs of the technologically advanced society they have created, then they need to reassess where the money goes. 

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