Friday, June 16, 2023

The Problem of Fame


When you are famous....

What are you safe from?

What don't you have to do?

What will be taken seriously?

What will become the focus of other's efforts?


Where does desire for fame originate?

What does "adulation" mean?


breaks down = (ateditergrsins) d___________

judged in ___________

and e_________ pattern


The ______ of a few people will always _______ painfully with the ________ of the ____.


Fame makes people more, not less, _____________. because it _____ them ______ to _________________.


What does the minor celebrity have to regularly face?

Far from __________ them adequately for their disease , fame _________ it exponentially.

Strangers ____ their negative opinions in detail.

Famous people _____ far more quickly.


What is a badge of honour in some quarters?

What will lodge in people's minds?

What are celebrities ineligible for?


How does the speaker sum fame up?

Do you agree with this?

What are famous people seeking according to the speaker?

What is the desire for fame a sign of in society?

Do you agree?

What is the erroneous belief behind the desire for fame?


1. Have you felt the desire for fame?

2. Is it true that many famous people are insecure or even ill in some respect? Can you think of exceptions?

3. Would it be hard to develop and mature as a person when you are n the spotlight?

4. Is the desire for recognition the same has the desire for fame? What if you really are talented?

5. Is it erroneous to seek to be appreciated more widely than by close friends and family?

6. Is fame always harmful and destructive? Who has dealt with fame admirably, made somethng positive out of it?

7. How many types of fame are there?


Write a paragraph or two about the different forms that fame can take (giving examples) and what you think about these forms of fame.

The Problem of Fame

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