Friday, February 2, 2024

Judge Rules White Girl Will Be Tried As Black Adult

Discharges without conviction in Aotearoa - discuss

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The court ruled a white teen who stabbed a classmate to death will face the jury as a 300-pound black man.

12 terms


White girl to be tried as black man

What issues are being satirized in this "news" clip?

Does discrimination in the justice system occur in your country - what form does it take?

What causes it?

Do you have trial by jury in your country? What problems arise from this system?

Are judges less likely to discriminate than ordinary citizens?

What can be done to avoid unconscious or institutionalized discrimination?

Listen again and number these legal terms in the order they are used:

to find
retroactively charged
arresting officer
harsh sentence
to be tried / to try
character witness
to appeal a ruling
jury member


1. accused
2. arraignment
3. harsh sentence
4. to be tried / to try
5. to find
6. fitting
7. defendant
8. henceforth
9. courtroom
10. jury member
11. retroactively charged
12. assault
13. arresting officer
14. character witness
15. to appeal a ruling

Listen again and check the past participle verbs in these examples of passive voice (to be + pp).

1. "She will be (pp)________ as a black adult"
2. "Henceforth you will be (pp)______ to by the Jury by the name Mendel Brown
3. Jury members will be (pp)___________ to imagine her as such
4. Now that Hannah has been (pp)_______ black, the court has instructed local media to assume she's guilty
5. Hanna's two-dozen character witnesses have been (pp)________ by a single crack addict who goes by the name of Scags.
6. ...saying their daughter should at most be (pp)______ as a black celebrity

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