Thursday, December 13, 2018

Yellow Vests

Yellow Vests

True or false?

1. The protests are nationwide.
2. Macron's government is described as socialist.
3. The report suggests the police triggered the violence.
4. The protest movement has grown very gradually.
5. The yellow vests are compulsory in France.
6. President Macron has permanently called off the gas price increase.

"We don't want them anymore. They're no longer credible - it's impossible."

Discuss what the protester is saying. Does he have a point?

1. How did Macron initially dismiss the protests?
2. Why was the left also suspicious?
3. What makes the protests so hard to define?
4. What does the report suggest is the underlying cause of the protests?
5. Which communities have been most affected by the governments budget cuts?

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