Monday, September 17, 2018

Ted Talks Upper Int Unit 1: 404, the story of a page not found

Image result for 404

Some words:

Quiz - 12 words / phrases


Who is your default friend?

What is your default breakfast?

What is your default colour to wear?

Image result for reservoir dogs

What is your default weekend activity?

Image result for shopping


Image result for check list

Do you have a check list for this week? What's on it?


Have you had any dicey experiences lately?

Have you eaten anything dicey lately?

to fall through the cracks

Can you remember the last time you fell through the cracks?

a slap in the faceImage result for a slap in the face

What kinds of experience can feel like "a punch in the guts" or a "slap in the face" or a "kick in the shins"?


Image result for incubator

An incubator is a new business or a place where new ideas are developed. In New Zealand it could be Wellington, because its a small, well educated city with strong social networks. In Auckland, money is what matters. It has a rougher, tougher reputation.

Successful things from Wellington:

Image result for flight of the conchords

Flight of the Conchords

Image result for peter jackson

Peter Jackson

Image result for weta workshop

Weta Workshop

Which cities in your country are places where new things are happening?

a start up


a lightbulb went off

Image result for a light bulb went off

to commiserate

How do you commiserate when you local or national team loses a game?

Image result for germany loses world cup

Oops! Nobody wants to see the 404: Page Not Found. But as Renny Gleeson shows us, while he runs through a slideshow of creative and funny 404 pages, every error is really a chance to build a better relationship.

Watch: 404, the story of page not found

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