Sunday, December 10, 2017

(Advanced) Religion (part 1)

Today religion is often seen as a s__________

The most powerful force of our age: _______________

Whether or not religions are true might be less important than the ______ people have for them.

Primitive religion:

The serpent god of the early Australians generates ______ and storms when people break tribal r_____

The belief structures of early human societies around the planet are almost i_________

Religion has its origin in our desire to e______ a very c________ world.

Humans make offerings to the gods in return for their f_______

We seek to make an al____nce with the gods.

We need to see primitive religion with com______ because our forebears lived in ig______

We should also appreciate the in______y of our forebears in creating wonderful stories.

400 BC

Buddha means _____________ed one

The Buddha teaches his followers to expect constant ________ in life.

Buddhism tries to help us deal with anxiety, p______, illness and d_____

The task of religion is to keep us ______ful especially in the hardest days of our lives.

Song Dynasty China

Guan Yin is the counterpart to the V____ M____

Both Mary and Guan Yin hear us in our d______

Religion knows that being ________ and adult doesn't always work.

1133AD England

A theme found in all religions: __________

Religion urges the ______ to think of the defenceless.

It is easy for the rich to think the poor as ____ and responsible for being poor.

1543 Germany

Copernicus proposed a helio______ version of the universe

Galileo publish his work on the universe in 16___

The Church was trying to hold onto the idea of our _____ _________

It is like a child discovering the his ______ are unimportant people.

A new existential _______ is born and we are still dealing with it.

Finish at 6.20 

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