Sunday, July 16, 2023

Animal telepathy - from Diablo to Spirit

Is telepathy possible? How about inter-species telepathy?

Before listening, discuss:

1. What exactly makes humans different from other species? Are we as different as we believe?

2. Have you ever experienced a strong relationship with an animal? Talk about how you communicated.

3. What is an animal communicator? Do you believe some people can communicate on a complex level with animals?


Diablo to Spirit

00:00 - 3:55

1. Why does the presenter have doubts about Anna's abilities?

2. What did Jurg do before he came to the park?

3. Why did the presenter see the case of Diablo as a "unique opportunity"?

4. What is Jurg's opinion on animal communicators?

Pause at 3:55 and discuss the questions

Do you share Jurg's scepticism?

3:55 - 5:55

T / F

1. The presenter gave Anna some information about Diablo.

2. Anna eventually calmed Diablo down.

3. Diablo understands what his name means.

Discuss question 3. Is it possible for an animal to understand the meaning of their name? How is that possible?

5:55 - 9:40

Fill the gaps:

a great sense of care and ______

it actually _____ my mind

they weren't hand _____

she relayed all the information ___ to us

You have no _____ of him here.

an enormous _____ of relief

a natural ______

expand his _______

he then decided to _____ the Leopard Spirit.

Discuss: Do you believe it? Why /  why not?

9:40 - End

According to Anna....

1. Spirit can / can't understand verbal communication.

2. Spirit and Anna communicate through images / facial expressions.

Jurg is upset / overwhelmed

The experience has / hasn't changed the way Jurg interacts with the animals in the park.

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