Monday, October 8, 2018

(Intermediate) 8 Secrets of Success

Separate these into 13 phrases:

lead to success make someone tick be driven by passion for love vs for money fun workaholics put your nose down into sth push yourself shyness self-doubt serve persist failure

Now watch and answer: What are the 8 secrets?



8 Secrets of Success


Rank the 8 secrets from most important to least important.


When does your brain get active and have good ideas?

When you're doing sth practical (building or fixing sth)
When you're doing sth social (organising a party?)
When you're doing research?
When you're writing?
When you're cooking?
When you're relaxed and having a break?
When you're playing sports?
When you're helping others?
When you're telling a story?
When you're doing sth creative like music or art?
When you're people-watching?
When you're by yourself?
When your working with others?
When you're tired?
When you're in the shower?
When you're with a close friend?
When you're travelling or exploring somewhere new?

Speaking practice:

1. What are you passionate about?
2. When is the hardest you've ever worked?
3. What time of day are you most focused? What times of day do you struggle to focus?
4. Who pushes you to succeed? Are you good at pushing yourself?
5. Do you sometimes run out of ideas? What can you do to get inspired?
6. What do you most need to improve about yourself?
7. In what way does what you do serve others?
8. Are you a persistent person? Can you give an example of your own persistence?

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