Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Steve Jobs on management


On leadership and recruitment

Early documentary on Apple and management

According to Jobs, what is leadership? 
1. Having 
2. Being 
3. Getting 

1. What does Jobs think of "seasoned professionals"? 
2. What happens when you create a strong core group? 
3. What made Apple choose to recruit someone? 
4. According to Jobs, what kind of people make the best managers? 
5. Which skills of Debbie's mattered more than her lack of experience in manufacturing? 

Detail: Some words are missing can you add them in? 

They need a common vision - and that's what leadership is. 

We wanted people insanely great at what they did, but were not seasoned professionals 

It becomes self-policing who they let into that group 

We agonized hiring 

On Teamwork

Steve Jobs on managing people

1. What does Jobs mean when he says "we're organized like a Start-up"?

2. How often and for how long do the people at the top of Apple meet?

3. What is teamwork really about?

4. What is Apple good at doing as a company?

5. What does Jobs himself actually do all day?

6. What makes people stay with the company according to Jobs?

Listen for detail and discuss:

1. "____ _____ how many committees we have at Apple? Zero."

What is about committees that Jobs dislikes? 

2. "There's ________________ teamwork at the top of the company which _____ down to tremendous teamwork __________ the company."

What skills are needed to work in a team? 

3. "Teamwork is _________ on trusting the other folks to come ______ with their part without watching them ___ ____ ____."

4. "You have to be ___ by ideas - not hierarchy." Do you think this is true for all organisations?


  1. Reminds me of the days at workplace: Leadership, Teamwork, Communication.. Hearing from Guru is a real life lesson. Thanks for the always enlightening material. It's a real thirst-quencher.
