Sunday, November 27, 2022

(Advanced) The Record Breaker

Meet Ashrita Furman. If he isn’t a real-life inspiration for a Wes Anderson character, well I don’t know who is. He was a kid who could have gone to any Ivy league college and had any job he wanted, but instead, Ashrita chose to dedicate his life to breaking records. Oh, and to being happy. Watch this short film until the end, I guarantee it will leave you with a big smile and generally feeling warm and fuzzy about life.


The Record Breaker

Before watching, match the questions to the answers:

A) What does Ashrita's mom say about him

B) Why does Ashrita's father believe he would have made an outstanding lawyer?

C) What does Ashrita get out of breaking records?

D) What does Ashrita want to attain?

E) What was Ashrita like as a kid

F) What's Ashrita's dog's name?



Because he asks questions that get right to the heart


He was very industrious

A big nerd

Watch for a few minutes and put the questions in order.


Is Ashrita inspiring?

Who inspires you?

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