Monday, June 17, 2024

If real shopping were like online shopping


If real shopping were like online shopping

Before watching


maiden name = a woman's surname before she got married and took her husbands surname.

to confirm = to make sure about

1. What does the title mean?

2. Have you done a lot of online shopping? What have you bought online?

3. What are some advantages of real shopping over online shopping?

4. Which is more convenient - online or real shopping?

5. What do you think will happen in the video?

Watch first minute...

1. What does the woman want to buy?

2. What does she have to do before she can buy the items?

3. What's her mother's "maiden" name?

4. What does she have to confirm?

5. Why is the first "favourite teacher" not acceptable?

Before continuing...

1. Have you had any of these experiences while online shopping?

2. What other problems tend to happen when you're online shopping?

2. What will the woman's next problems be?

Watch and find out

1. What does she have to agree to?

2. Why does the shop assistant disappear?

3. What does the customer have to bend down to do?

4. What does the customer apologies for?

5. What does the third shop assistant need from the customer?

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