Monday, August 28, 2023

Mike King on comedy and mental health

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2:42 - 6:07

Mike King - former comedian turned health advocate

1. Where does Mike believe his mental health issues originated?

2. According to Mike, as a kid he

had ____ for hands, was ______ at sport, was tone _____, and was_____ (adj)!

3. Why was Mike's gift for comedy his downfall?

4. According to Mike, what do you have to do (subconsciously) to get other peoples approval?

5. What has Mike discovered about kids? Why is this?

6. What's the second thing kids want?

7. According to Mike, what's wrong with kids today?


1. Were you also "nodding your head" as Mike talked about kids wanting approval?

2. Discuss you own experiences as a kid - were you the funny kid in class?

3. What other things do kids do to get approval?

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