Monday, October 14, 2024

Conversation - relationships

 First date

Talk about it or not?




your hates

your passions



old friends

new friends




your past girlfriend / boyfriend

your childhood

your dreams for the future

your plans next week

your favourite pop star


your pets

how much money you have in the bank

your 'type'

your health

your religion

At the end of the date what should you say?

See you.

Take it easy

I enjoyed that - let's catch up soon.

I love you

You're special.

It was nice.

It was nice to meet you.

You're nice.

Am I good enough for you?

That was okay, I guess.

I'll see you in my dreams.

Will you marry me?

I think you're fantastic

Let's do it again.

I'm keen to have dinner sometime soon.

Can I come in?

I will stalk you now.

I didn't enjoy that at all.

You're sexy.

I hope I didn't talk too much.

Marriage and romance?

Arranged marriage 
Playing the field 
Butterflies in your stomach 
A fling 
Chat someone up 
Fall out 
Tie the knot 
Long distance relationship  
Unrequited love 
One-night stand 
Break up  
Drift apart 

If you could ask just three questions to find out if somebody is your type of person, what would they be?

Is same-sex marriage possible in your country?

Where would you choose to propose to somebody? What time of day?

Would you prefer a low-key wedding or one with a lot of guests? 
What is your ideal place for a) the wedding ceremony b) the reception?

What do you think is the best age to settle down these days?

What do you think the most common causes of rows between partners are?

Watch the video in bits and and discuss:

Explain the significance of these things in the video

the location
the procession of people
the banner
the scissors
the safety pins

What do you think about the idea of a "Divorce Ceremony"?
Do you think it will make the process easier or harder for the family and friends?

Which of the following are most important when choosing a life partner?

age     nationality       taste in music        presentation       personality        language        manners      

laughter         political views         cool tattoos           job           money        height

likes and dislikes           sound of voice       job            family         friends           talents        

physical attractiveness

How to begin a relationship

You mustn't...
You don't have to...
You must...
You shouldn't...
You should...
If you can, you should...

How to maintain a good a relationship

You mustn't...
You don't have to...
You must...
You shouldn't...
You should...
If you can, you should...

How to end a relationship

You mustn't...
You don't have to...
You must...
You shouldn't...
You should...
If you can, you should...

Related image

It's NOT about the nail

Discuss the comments - where they made by men or women?

"This hysterical clip shows us very clearly how important it is to LISTEN when women talk and not try to solve their problems!!!! LOL!"

"The way men and women communicate with each other is very different. Men want to fix things. Women need to be heard. Men need to watch this."

"Don't try to fix it. I just need you to listen." Every man has heard these words. And they are the law of the land. No matter what."

Judging by the 2k thumbs down, there are at least 2k women with a nail in their forehead!

"Rationalism vs Emotions"

"I dare say this video really "Hit the nail on the head" bad-dum-tish!"

Discuss in groups
1. Are these differences between 'male' and 'female' ways of communicating real?
2. Are they "natural" or do they come from how we are raised and conditioned?

How do you feel about the following words?




a Karen

blokey (adj) men


using the pronoun "they" (rather than he/she)

Mother Earth

a prissy-missy

a real man

a lady's man

ice queen



a brunette

 a good catch

Are we becoming overly sensitive to words as a form of discrimination?