Monday, September 9, 2024

9 speaking prompts


 1. You need a wedding cake for your wedding. You have $10,000 just for the cake – design it.


2. Three-word sentences. Write a dialogue with each other, but you are only allowed three words at a time. Make the dialogue about






3.  20 Y/N questions. Think of a job. You partner has to guess the job in 20 questions. You can only say "yes" or "no". Think of a wild animal, etc


4. You are yourself aged 9. You partner has to ask you five questions to find out what you're like. E.g. Where do you like to go? Who's you're best friend? What's your favourite food? etc...


5. Do you have any party tricks? Show your partners and teach them your trick.


6. 2 truths and a lie. Tell your partner two true things and one lie about you on these topics:

Your country

Your family

Your likes and dislikes


Your partner has to guess which is the lie.


7. Interruption - what, when, who, why, where, how, which? In this game you must try to ask your partner as many questions as possible. But you must always ask a new question before they have completely finished telling you the answer.

Start with this question:  What's a good memory for you?


8. Exactly ten words. Tell you partner about each of these things in exactly 10 words:

Your hopes and dreams

Something that makes you angry

Something you'll never forget

Something you can't do very well

Something you miss

Your favourite item of clothing

Your worst fear

What you want to do do tonight

How you have changed in the last year


9. You have $500 for one of the students in class. Decide what gift you'll buy that person. Then say what the present is but don’t say which student it its for – the rest of the class has to guess who.

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