Monday, September 30, 2024


Lead in: discuss the diagram and the meaning of the words in it.

Are any of these ideas and qualities present in Hokusai's famous woodcut?

Image result for japanese art

Look at these buildings and places: what values and ideals do they exemplify?

Image result for taj mahal

Image result for trade Towers Yamasaki

Image result for trade Towers Yamasaki

Sketch by Yamasaki, Minorou

Image result for rome monuments

Related image


General ideas:

24 collocations

Western aesthetics:

Obsessed with:

_____________, _______________, ________________

Shaped by:

____________, _______________, and an appetite for _______________

The term "wabi-sabi" refers to:

_____________. _____________, ______________, ______________

It respects what is

________________, _________________, _______________

Wabi-sabi is linked with:


Buddhism is about accepting our un____________ nature


________ introduced into Japan

Challenges __________ - the indigenous religion of Japan

Zen becomes the philosophical _________ of Wabi-sabi

Wabi originally meant:

______________, _____________

Meaning shifted:


Sabi originally meant:


Shifted to:


Kyoto 1488:

The _______ ceremony was formalised by S________ in the Letter of the H_______

The ceremony was originally a way of keeping monks _______ during meditation

The Shoguns used as a way of ____________ fancy utensils

Shoko likened the perfection of Chinese tea cups to the _________

Japanese artisans let ________ become part of their work

The story that sums up the spirit of Wabi-sabi involves a boy cleaning a ________ all day and the ______ of leaves at then end of the day.

Story represents the uniting of _________ and _________

Sen no Rikyu was ordered to _______________ by Hideyoshi

Raku pots are actually named after a man who made simple ______

Matsuo Basho is the father of the _________

Basho's poetry tries to show the ________ through the _________ moment

45% of Japanese women own a _____________ handbag

Wabi-sabi is under threat from __________ values


Do you like the Wabi-sabi aesthetic or are you more attracted to the symmetrical and shiny?
Would you buy a new watch or an old one, for instance?
Is there anything wrong with the notion of symmetry and permanence?
Can you think of examples of Wabi-sabi things you like?


0:00 - 2:30

Abstract nouns - listen and write these in the order they are used:










the eternal


Image result for Kintsugi




the eternal









The four criteria for getting a job at Google

The four criteria for getting a job at Google
10 Aug, 2017 6:54am
5 minutes to read

Word formation
Google is one of the most     RECOGNISE     companies in the world and is shaping our lives on an unprecedented scale. So it's no surprise there are plenty of people all over the world vying for a job at the company.
And if you want to join their ranks, he says there are four qualities that Google looks for in a job      APPLY    .
What will the four qualities be?

And they are as follows:
Cognitive ability 
Role related knowledge 
•    Leadership     

- how you figure stuff out.
- "what are the other things you've done where you've been the one with responsibility for others"
- if you want to be an engineer, how well can you code?

Now, the fourth one is, well, a little harder to account for, and is known in the company as


(What do you think this means?)

"I would argue Googlyness is the most important     CHARACTER      ," says vice president of hiring and     OPERATE    Sunil Chandra. "Which is how well will you do with our culture." When it comes to the nature of work at Google, "everything is about working in a team," he said.

1. What are your cognitive strengths? Creativity, problem solving, analysis, memory, thinking outside the box? Organisation? Strategy?

What about weaknesses? Are you really bad at anything mentally?

2. Could you perform any role in a company like Google? What can you do and how well can you do it? Be specific.
3. What is a "leader"? Do you have any leadership experience?
4. What does Sunil mean by culture? Have you worked anywhere where there was a negative culture?

5.  If "Googlyness" is the culture of Google, what might it be? 

Cloze / unscramble
A_____ the iianitl interviews, the four or five interviewers score the job hofulpes and g_____ the feedback to a ecomitte which ultimately m____ the decision whether or not to extend an o____.
An aicpntpla will usually go t_____ at least four interviews before ____ offered a job, the havbeurioal and attitude aspects of a person's character often the focus.

Add these in the right place:
begin to understand why               which it was once famous for     don't predict anything
data analytics     Simply put

To improve the process, Google uses ____________ and has conducted research on things like unconscious bias among hiring panels to make the process as objective and fair as possible.
Sunil's team has stopped using tricky brain teasers in the interview process - _______________  - because they eventually figured out that they don't actually tell you much. When you learn they included such gems as, "if I shrank you to the size of a nickel and put you in a blender, how would you escape?" then you probably _______________ Google abandoned them. "They _____________ so we stopped using them," he said.
"_________, what we're really looking for is how do you as a candidate learn new stuff, work with a team, (and) what have you achieved," Mr Chandra said. "Folks that are always curious, always learning."

Chose the correct word:
The company attracts some of the brightest minds from around the world and Sunil says getting to be involved / included in that process and work with them is the funnest part of his job.
The tech giant is famous for its experimental culture which encourages employees to seek out time to pursue / possess different interests and adopt / tackle different creative projects outside of their main focus.
While Google has moved away / pulled back a little bit on such an approach it's still a fundamental component / culture to its workplace and given all the fun stuff in their office headquarters in California, that's a pretty enticing / excellent deal.

So if you want to join the company that knows more about your online habits than you do, start working on your Googlyness, I suppose.

1. What is meant by experimental culture?
2. Why does google use data analytics during the selection process?
3. Why did Google abandon brain teasers? 
4. Read the last sentence. What does it show about the writer's attitude to Google?

Google's Intern Programme




It feels kind of like a _________
very few limitations are _______d on where your mind can be
Don't be afraid to ______

T / F

You can bring pets to work
The interns stay at Google for one year
Interns work in teams

The Interns:

What is their background?
What department of Google are they interning in?
What makes the programme interesting for them?






The four criteria for getting a job at Google


Chose the correct word:

Google is one of the most  recognised / recognisable  companies in the world and is shaping our lives on an unprecedented scale. So it's no surprise there are plenty of people all over the world vying for a job at the company.

And if you want to join their ranks, he says there are four qualities that Google looks for in a job  application / applicant.


What will the four qualities be?






And they are as follows:

• ___________  ability 

  _________ related knowledge 

•    __________ship     


- how you figure stuff out.

- "what are the other things you've done where you've been the one with responsibility for others"

- if you want to be an engineer, how well can you code?


Now, the fourth one is, well, a little harder to account for, and is known in the company as


(What do you think this means?)

"I would argue Googlyness is the most important  characteristic / character ," says vice president of hiring and     operation / operations    Sunil Chandra. "Which is how well will you do with our culture." When it comes to the nature of work at Google, "everything is about working in a team," he said.



1. What are your cognitive strengths? Creativity, problem solving, analysis, memory, thinking outside the box? Organisation? Strategy?

What about weaknesses? Are you really bad at anything mentally?

2. Could you perform any role in a company like Google? What can you do and how well can you do it? Be specific.

3. What is a "leader"? Do you have any leadership experience?

4. What does Sunil mean by culture? Have you worked anywhere where there was a negative culture?
5.  If "Googlyness" is the culture of Google, what might it be? 

A_____ the iianitl interviews, the four or five interviewers score the job hofulpeand g_____ the feedback to a ecomitte which ultimately m____ the decision whether or not to extend an o____.An aicpntpla will usually go t_____ at least four interviews before ____ offered a job, the havbeurioal and attitude aspects of a person's character often the focus.

begin to understand why               which it was once famous for     

don't predict anything      data analytics     Simply put

To improve the process, Google uses ____________ and has conducted research on things like unconscious bias among hiring panels to make the process as objective and fair as possible.

Sunil's team has stopped using tricky brain teasers in the interview process - _______________  - because they eventually figured out that they don't actually tell you much. When you learn they included such gems as, "if I shrank you to the size of a nickel and put you in a blender, how would you escape?" then you probably _______________ Google abandoned them. "They _____________ so we stopped using them," he said.

"_________, what we're really looking for is how do you as a candidate learn new stuff, work with a team, (and) what have you achieved," Mr Chandra said. "Folks that are always curious, always learning."

The company attracts some of the brightest minds from around the world and Sunil says getting to be involved / included in that process and work with them is the funnest part of his job.

The tech giant is famous for its experimental culture which encourages employees to seek out time to pursue / possess different interests and adopt / tackle different creative projects outside of their main focus.

While Google has moved away / pulled back a little bit on such an approach it's still a fundamental component / culture to its workplace and given all the fun stuff in their office headquarters in California, that's a pretty enticing / excellent deal.


So if you want to join the company that knows more about your online habits than you do, start working on your Googlyness, I suppose.




1. What is meant by experimental culture?

2. Why does google use data analytics during the selection process?

3. Why did Google abandon brain teasers? 
4. Read the last sentence. What does it show about the writer's attitude to Google?


Video Intro:


It feels kind of like a _________
very few limitations are _______d on where your mind can be
Don't be afraid to ______

T / F
You can bring pets to work
The interns stay at Google for one year
Interns work in teams

The Interns:
What is their background?
What department of Google are they interning in?
What makes the programme interesting for them?\

                                  Background                 Department                      Interest







Which people do you identify with or admire?

Professional Profile

B1 Professional Profile task

This was the cover page of Alyson Shontell's letter of application for an interview at Google. What do you think of it?

Here is her covering letter. What does she do to make it convincing and engaging?

Google application 2

B1 Professional Profile task

you to stand out from the crowd

next round

Be wary of spending hours on

at the expense of

cover letter

The first thing


________ a potential employer sees in your job application is the______ . This doesn't just support your CV – it's an opportunity for _________and persuade the recruiter to put you through to the_________.

___________perfecting your CV ____________your cover letter



1. Standard, conservative style

This is ideal for sectors such as business, law, accountancy and retail.

Dear Mr Black,

Please f___ enclosed my CV in application f__ the post advertised i__ the Guardian on 30 November.

The nature of my degree course has prepared me for this p______. It involved a great deal of independent research, requiring ini____tive, self-m_______n and a wide r____e of skills. For one course, [insert course], an understanding of the [insert sector] industry was e______al. I found this subject very stimulating.

I am a fast and accurate writer, with a keen __e for detail and I should be very _____ful for the opportunity to progress t__ market reporting. I am able to take o__ the responsibility of this position _____diately, and have the enthusiasm and de_______n to ensure that I make a su____s of it.

Thank you for ___ing the time to con____ this application and I ___ forward to ____ing from you in the n__r future.

Yours ____erely







2. Standard speculative letter

This may vary according to the nature of the organisation and the industry you're applying to.

Dear Mr Brown,

I am writing to e_____e if you have any v______s in your company. I en____e my CV for your information.

As you can s_, I have had extensive vacation w___ experience in office envi_____, the retail se___r and service ind___ries, giving me v__ied skills and the a___ity to work with many different t___s of people. I believe I could fit e__ily into your t__m.

I am a cons_____ous person who works hard and pays a_____on to __ail. I'm flexible, quick to pick u_ new skills and __ger to learn from __ers. I also have lots of ideas and e______asm. I'm keen to work __r a company with a great reu_____n and high pr____le like [insert company name].

I have excellent ref______s and would be de______ed to discuss any possible vacancy with you at your c____nience. In case you do not have any suitable op____gs at the moment, I would be ____eful if you would keep my CV on fi__ for any ___ure possibilities.

Yours sincerely




Exam task


Write a Standard speculative covering letter for a prospective employer





Intro sentence

Your background and experience

Your skills and characteristics and attitude to work

Your availability and interest in further communication

Sign off formally









3. Letter for creative jobs

We've used the example of a copywriter but you can adapt it for your profession. The aim of a creative letter is to be original and show you have imagination, but understand what the job entails. Balance is essential: don't be too wacky, or it will turn off the reader.

Dear Ms Green,

· Confused by commas?
· Puzzled by parenthesis?
· Stumped by spelling?
· Perturbed by punctuation?
· Annoyed at the apostrophe? (And alliteration?)

Well, you're not alone. It seems that fewer and fewer people can write. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of people who can read. So they'll spot a gaffe from a mile off. And that means it's a false economy, unless you're 100% sure of yourself, to write your own materials. (Or to let clients do it for themselves.)

To have materials properly copywritten is, when one considers the whole process of publishing materials and the impact that the client wishes to make, a minor expense. Sloppiness loses clients, loses customers.

There is an answer. Me. Firm quotes are free. You can see some of what I do on my multilingual website at [insert web address]. If you'd like, I can get some samples out to you within 24 hours. And, if you use me, you'll have some sort of guarantee that you can sleep soundly as those tens of thousands of copies are rolling off the presses.

Luck shouldn't come into it!

With kindest regards