Monday, December 9, 2024

Rongoā Māori making a comeback


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Māori vocabulary:

Rongoa - medicine and wellbeing
Karakia - prayer
Tohunga - expert
Tapu - holy
Te Urewera - an ancient forest in the North Island

True or false?

1. Totara bark was used to heal broken bones.
2. Kumarahou is taken for coughs.
3. Tohunga were able to cure many diseases that came with colonists.
4. Tohunga had supernatural powers.
5. Wiremu Doherty was raised by his mother.
6. Rongoa is used in the public health system.

Verb patterns

Listen 0.50 -  2.20 and notice whether the "to" or the "-ing" is used to connect these verbs

tend overuse
start show
learn care for
agree be
struggle cope
be accused of claim have
(a law) brought in stop

Other language used:


to go _____ground

to make a ____back

a f______n of knowledge

a re____ence

to o___use

to show s___s of infection


____ly diseases

_____natural powers

to bring ___ a law

to ____ a secret

an exhaustive _____edge

so ___ so

the ___side world

c___ for


to be r___er for


to go underground
to make a comeback
a fountain of knowledge
a resurgence
to overuse
to show signs of infection
deadly diseases
supernatural powers
to bring in a law
to keep a secret
an exhaustive knowledge
so and so
the outside world
calls for
to be richer for

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