Monday, August 28, 2023

Isabel Allende and the 1973 Chilean Coup

Before watching. Try writing this list of facts as a biographical paragraph:

Sentence 1

Isabel Allende
Acclaimed novelist
award-winning author 
23 books
“The House of the Spirits” 
“Daughter of Fortune” 

Sentence 2

latest novel: “In the Midst of Winter” 
a love story 
explores the plight of immigrants and refugees 

Sentence 3

books have been translated into 35 languages 
sold over 57 million copies around the world 

Sentence 4

Father’s first cousin: Salvador Allende, Chile’s president 1970 - September 11, 1973
Augusto Pinochet seized power
CIA-backed military coup

Sentence 5

Salvador Allende died in the palace that day

Sentence 6

Allende later fled to Venezuela

Salvador Allende

Soldiers attacking the Presidential Palace, September 11, 1973

Augusto Pinochet

Check how the bio paragraph was written by the news channel

Acclaimed novelist Isabel Allende is an award-winning author who has written 23 books, including “The House of the Spirits,” “Paula” and “Daughter of Fortune.” Her latest novel, “In the Midst of Winter,” is a love story that explores the plight of immigrants and refugees. Her books have been translated into 35 languages, sold over 57 million copies around the world. Her father’s first cousin was Salvador Allende, Chile’s president from 1970 until September 11, 1973, when Augusto Pinochet seized power in a CIA-backed military coup. Salvador Allende died in the palace that day. Isabel Allende would later flee from her native Chile to Venezuela.


Isabel Allende

Answer the questions

1. Where was Isabel Born?

2. What does the museum new exhibit include?

3. Where is Allende's new book set?

4. When did Salvador Allende become President of Chile?

5. Why did no one believe Allende when he warned that the CIA was undermining Chile's government?

6. What was Isabel's job at the time?

7. What is Isabel's opinion of the Catholic church?

8. Who was Eduardo Frei?

9. How long did the military stay in power?

10. Who was Pablo Neruda?

11. When did Neruda die?

12. What joke did Salvador Allende used to make about himself?

13. Which party did Neruda belong to?

14. Why did Isabel stand beside the ambassador of Sweden at Neruda's funeral?

Pablo Neruda

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