Sunday, April 29, 2018

(Advanced) The History of Manners

Looked at over time, we’re gradually picking up slightly better manners – but what are we doing now that might, in future eras, be considered bad manners?



Sunday, April 22, 2018

(Upper-Intermediate) The Rohingya Crisis

Part 1.

0:00 - 8:45

Fill the gaps 

________ persecution

a __________ crackdown

___________ checkpoints

___________ to survive

an _________future

to _______the border

s_______  heat

n___ arrivals

s_______ violence

_______ cleansing

b_______ fire

_____ freely

_____ (people) to safety

l____ _______ and that

j____ the queue

a b______ journey

d____d by the side of the road

d___ by day

________ of movement

________ immigrants

there’s __________ to lose

__________ reception

like __________ in a haystack

_______________ in a crowd

Part 2.


Severe _______

Sheer _______

keep things _____

conditions are _____

give ______

emergency ______

get someone _________

a grave _______

whisked ______

signs _____

the worst ______

a pool _______

drag someone _____

sustain _______

targeting _______

hit back ________

mass killings

gruesome _________

a blood____


set fire to _____

Part 3.

17:45- End

____ of conduct

exercise _______

overwhelming _______

flee _____ the border

clear to ____

_____ towards

want ______ to do with

the peace ______

fake _____

committing ______

unbearably ____

makeshift ____

announce ____

brutal ______

heavy ____

long____ solution

______ trafficking

____ exodus

a place to ___ home

