Sunday, June 30, 2024

Total Recall - Rebecca's Sharrock's phenomenal memory

Skim the text quickly and find out…


1. How many people in the world have a memory like Rebecca’s

2. What is Rebecca’s earliest memory?

3. Why is Rebecca not a straight-A student?

4. Why is it hard for her to forgive people for things that happened in the past?

5. Why is it hard for Rebecca to enjoy some foods?

6. Why is it hard for Rebecca to go to sleep?




Read the text carefully and put these extracts into the correct place in the text.


1. "I have been taught how to forgive by my therapist, but I can never forget,"

2. Then there's the issue of food.

3. But Rebecca Sharrock can remember every single day of her entire life.

4. or H-SAM

5. It takes three months for Rebecca's memory to 'encode' so to speak

6. The 29-year-old can recall what it was like in her mother’s womb.

7. She also remembers leaving the hospital after she was born.

8. She can relive her first ever dream as clearly as the day she had it.

9. Rebecca also finds it hard to sleep.

10. children are truly smarter than adults give them credit for.




 More here



What’s your earliest memory?

Maybe you can distantly remember the bright colours and sense of excitement of your first children’s concert. Or recall a particular park where you really liked the swing.

I think my first memory has something to do with my fairy bed sheets. But I can’t quite work out if that’s just because I’ve seen photos of it as an adult.

The point is, you can probably only remember snippets or moments from your early childhood – if you’re lucky.


She is one of just 60 people in the world with Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory, B)____________.

Rebecca is the only person in the world who can remember life before she was born.


“I can remember having my head tucked in my legs and being in a dark environment. I was comfortable and content but I didn’t really think much about my surroundings or my existence,” she told Mamamia.


"I was wrapped up all the time and the blanket covered a lot of what was going on around me. At that age I didn't understand what a hospital or a home was. I remember the different environments. At that age I was just excessively curious as to my surroundings, but life was a novelty," she said.

As Rebecca describes what life is like through a child's eyes but with an adult lens, you start to get a handle of why young kids act the way they do.

"As a young child I didn't think in words. I just thought in pure feeling and senses. It was much quicker to think that way. I've tried retraining myself to think that quickly now and I can't. I can't not use words when I think now," she explained.

From learning how to talk to deciding she "might try walking now" to what it felt like to be held by her mother as a baby, Rebecca remembers it all.


"It was a cold night and I was one and a half," she told Mamamia. "I found myself in a room with ball and shoot machines and funny noises and balls running down tunnels. I woke up crying and thinking where am I? But not in words, in feelings."

When Rebecca was three and had developed the vocabulary, she asked her mother why every night she was taken away from home. Her mum explained that she was dreaming and it was "in her mind".

Most of us would struggle to recall how we felt and what we did every day of our lives when we were this little.

Rebecca can recall every single school lesson she's ever had. So you'd assume she was a straight A student, but that's not how it works.

F)_______________. So her short-term memory isn't that amazing, it's her long-term memory that's crystal clear.

If you ask her what kindergarten was like, it's too hard for her say. There's too many memories to harness in her mind. But if you ask her what she did on her first day of kindergarten, she can focus her mind in an instant.

She'll tell you what she was wearing, thinking and doing from the moment she woke up and excitedly put on her new school uniform to when she lay down her head on her pillow that night. Hell, she can even tell you exactly what her bedroom looked like at that point in time and what the weather was like outside.

But emotions and feelings are hard when your brain refuses to give you the gift of being able to 'forgive and forget' as the saying goes.

G)_____________ Rebecca said.

For example, if Rebecca sees someone years later that she had a fight with as a child, she will relive that fight as if it's happening today. Her mind will be thinking "I hope the teacher gets that person in trouble for breaking my toy" but then her conscience and reasoning will remind her, "this is ridiculous, why is this an issue right now, that was ages ago."

H)_____________ You know how your tastebuds mature? Rebecca remembers exactly what it tasted like to eat Vegemite for the first time when she was three. It wasn't pleasant. Now as an adult, that first experience gets in the way every time she takes a bite of her Vegemite toast.

I)_____________ She has to play soft classical music to give her mind something else to focus on, otherwise she gets too distracted by flashbacks.

To calm her mind and focus her thoughts Rebecca draws, reads and writes.

She knows every single word of every Harry Potter book by heart. Give her a chapter and she'll just start reciting.

But one of the most interesting takeaways is the truth behind the fact that J)____________

For at least a year before her father left the family, Rebecca knew he would eventually go. She was only a toddler. And when Rebecca's mum said to her age two "we're leaving now," she knew that meant to a new house. She'd been expecting it.




Pool and Billiards at








Leave School:



What to bring:

Your skills

Hand-me-down - by Riko



Do you like hand-me-downs? My answer is no. I really dislike them.

I have a brother. He is 4 years older than I. So when I was a child, my parents usually gave me hand-me-downs from my brother. For example, clothes, ski equipment, bags...

But I especially hated to be given hand-me-down bicycles. However, I have a special memory about it.

When I was 4 years old, I was learning to ride a bicycle. And my first bicycle was of course a hand-me-down from my brother. It was blue and was painted with motor vehicles. It looked a bike for boys. I liked red or pink back then, so I was displeased and complained to my parents.

After hearing the story, my grandfather took an action. He repainted the bicycle to red. And my mother made a saddle cover with printed flowers to match his work.

The hand-me-down bicycle turned into the only one in the world, thanks to my family.

To be honest, I don’t remember all this in detail. The thing I remember is feeling deeply satisfied. I have no words to express the pleasure even now. It’s the earliest joyful memory in my life.

As I was growing up, my parents gave me a couple of new bicycles. I liked those bicycles of course, because they were comfortable and stylish. But I’m sure my favourite bicycle will never change.

My grandfather has died now. However, I’ve never forgotten his affection.

Saturday, June 29, 2024

I remember


I remember + -ing /

"I remember trying to realize how big the world really is. "

 I remember + noun phrase

"I remember the day John Kennedy was shot."


These lines come from a book by Joe Brainard called "I Remember"

Read and tick if you have a similar memory.


I remember the only time I ever saw my mother cry. I was eating apricot pie. 

I remember how much I used to stutter. 

I remember how much, in high school, I wanted to be handsome and popular. 

I remember a dream I have had often of being able to fly. (Without an airplane) 

I remember many dreams of finding gold and jewels. 

I remember a little boy I used to take care of after school while his mother worked. I remember how much fun it was to punish him for being bad. 

I remember bunk beds.

 I remember laundromats at night all lit up with nobody in them. 

 I remember trying to figure out what it's all about. (Life)

I remember making clover blossom chains.

I remember pillow fights. 

I remember being surprised at how yellow and how red autumn really is. 

I remember staying in the bath tub too long and having wrinkled toes and fingers.

I remember playing hop-scotch without ever really knowing the rules. 

I remember chicken noodle soup when you are sick. 

I remember daydreams of having a pet monkey that would wear human clothes and we would go around everywhere together. 

I remember daydreams of inheriting lots of money from some relative I didn't even know I had. 

I remember daydreams of being a big success in New York City. (Penthouse and all!) 

I remember that "no two snowflakes are exactly alike."

I remember not being able to fall asleep Christmas Eve. 

I remember more than once leaving the price tag on a present. 

 I remember opening my first packages very fast and my last few very slowly. 

I remember feeling sorry for kids at church, or school, who had ugly mothers. 

I remember daydreams of having a twin. 

I remember "See you later alligatorI" 

 I remember daydreams of going blind and how sorry everyone would feel for me. 

I remember bathroom doors that don't lock and trying to pee fast.

I remember blowing up paper bags to pop.

I remember wanting to change my name to something cooler.

Write some rememberings of your own

I remember

I remember 

I remember 

I remember 

I remember 

I remember 

I remember 

I remember 

I remember 

I remember 


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Varieties of English - or How to Speak Australian

Basically - just abbreviate everything.


How to Speak Australian

What is 

a chocky bicky
a lappy
din dins
a bottle-o
a garbo
a postie
trackie dacks
a muso
a uey
a westie
a veggo
a cabbie
crissy prezzie
a cuppa
spag bol
a bevvy
a toastie
a fella
a hubby
a ciggy
a tinny
an ambo
a coppa
a tradie
a brolly
a sicky
a roo
cab sav

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Passive

Look for examples of passive voice in this article:

Brazilian woman denied visa after movie muddle-up

A woman with a backpack pulls a suitcase through an airport.

were allowed in         were denied          was sent back      were most often denied

was dropped off                   were sent back


More than 4300 people _____1______entry to New Zealand according to Immigration New Zealand's annual report.

It contains detailed reasons for some of the refusals.

A man with a South African passport ______2_______ in Taiwan due to identity concerns raised when his profile on a popular dating website stated he was a New Zealander seeking "a nice girl to have serious relationship".

Officials decided a woman from Brazil was not a genuine visitor because she had no outward ticket and had little knowledge of New Zealand.

She said she wanted to see Lord of the Rings locations, referencing Harry Potter as the main character of the film.

A man who was travelling from Canada ______3______ after it was found an English court found him guilty of being part of a scam of US government bonds amounting to $2.5 trillion.

Malaysians and Hong Kong nationals ______4________ entry, with Brazil and Taiwan also having high rejection numbers.

Three quarters of those turned away did not even get as far as boarding at their point of departure; the rest ________5_________ once they arrived.

Nearly six million people________6_________ , an increase of nine percent on the previous year.

Sunday, June 23, 2024


Related image

Every year, around June, Matariki re-appears in the dawn sky – signalling the start of the Māori New Year. It is a time to celebrate new life, to remember those who've passed and to plan for the future.

Image result for tukutuku panels


Tukutuku panels bound for New York

1. What day is New Year's Day in your country? Is it January 1st? 
2. Is this day a holiday in your country?
3. How do you celebrate this day?
4. Is there a special lunch or dinner on that day?
5. Does anything happen at night?
6. Are there any important customs on that day?
7. Do you have any memories of that day?

0800 Matariki

How many stars of the nine are associated with each aspect of the world?

Weather and Wind
Guidance to the other world
Hopes and wishes
The watch star

Matariki explained
Image result for matariki celebrations

Image result for matariki festival

Image result for matariki festival

Image result for ancient greek representation of the pleiades

In Ancient Greece, the Pleiades were Alcyone, Celaeno, Electra, Maia, Merope, Sterope, and Taygeta, companions of the goddess Artemis, the twin sister of Apollo. Represented here in a medieval painting (c. 850). 

Image result for pleiades ancient cave paintings
Image result for pleiades ancient cave paintings

Taurus, The Pleiades, and Orion's Belt Lascaux Cave Paintings, France, 10,000 - 18,000 years before present

Image result for pleiades northern sky

Northern sky

Image result for pleiades southern sky

Southern sky

Southern sky
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The nine stars of Matariki

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Te Waka o Rangi

According to Dr Matamua, the correct (auspicious) phase to celebrate Matariki is during the final waning phase of the moon in the Maori lunar month of Pipiri, the first month of the Maori lunar year.

Dr Rangi Matamua on Matariki

(Doctor Rangi Matamua (Tuhoe), is a senior lecturer based in the School of Māori and Pacific Development at Waikato University.)


On "The Seven Sisters" and "Little Eyes"

13:56 -18:48

What did Pleiades mean in ancient Greek?

Te Iwa o Matariki


18:48 - 23:35


23:35 25:15

1. Why is Tupuaarangi above Tupuaanuku?

2. Why is Waitii above Waitaa?

3. What are Waipunarani and Ururangi above everything else?

4. What is special about Pohutukawa and Riwaterangi?

When to look for Matariki:

25:15 - 30:28

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