Saturday, February 1, 2025

Can, could, be able to (for ability)

Watch and do the quiz


Communication skills = C

Practical skills = P

Thinking / learning skills = T

decide of the skills below are C, P or T (or a mix of them)

learning languages

map reading


taking care of people

guessing what will happen in a movie

making speeches

following instructions

managing money

remembering names

telling jokes

fixing up broken things

making decisions

solving computer problems

organizing events

explaining things clearly

understanding poetry

cooking for forty people

designing a website

riding a horse

coaching a football team

Discuss which of the things above you are 

(totally) amazing at

(pretty) good at

(just) okay at

(quite) bad at

(absolutely) terrible at

For example: "I'm absolutely terrible at explaining things clearly"

Next level....

This lesson includes:
  • talking about ability in the present and future.
  • talking about general ability in the past and ability on specific occasions in the past.
  • the different uses of can, could and be able to
  • the difference between could never and never could
  • using the verbs manage and succeed for past ability


Speaking in groups

How many people in this class can you name?

How long can you hold your breath?

How many colours can you name?

How many sounds can you hear right now at this moment?

How languages can you say hello in?

Can you whistle Happy Birthday?

Can you remember what you dreamt last night?

Can you stand on one foot with your eyes closed?

How many times can you say

"She sells sea shells by the sea shore"

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